Wednesday, September 30, 2015

How to have a "worry free" retirement

David, a recently retired engineer, talks about shifting his mindset and his money from risk to safety for his retirement nest egg:

Monday, September 21, 2015

RISK is a four letter word....

Risk, according to the Webster’s Dictionary is defined as the following:

1: possibility of loss or injury
2: someone or something that creates or suggests a hazard
3: the chance of loss or the perils to the subject matter of an insurance contract ; the degree of probability of such loss
4: the chance that an investment (as a stock or commodity) will lose value

When evaluating risk in your life a simple formula can be used to determine how to manage it.

Risk is the exposure to loss

Risk too big or too important to absorb

Is passed to a risk bearer

A risk bearer is an insurance company.

We all have things in life that need protection from loss. These can vary from an automobile to a home to a retirement account. Insurance companies are expressly designed to underwrite and cushion the damage caused from a loss.
If you own a home you protect yourself in the event of a fire. The same is true in protecting ourselves against health costs in the event of a major illness or accident. We insure our life with life insurance to make certain the mortgage is paid and our children are educated.
Why not insure our retirement funds? Why expose our long term financial security to unnecessary losses? Why gamble with your financial future?
How do we insure our retirement against losses? We do so by allowing an insurance company to hold and manage a portion of our funds. Insurance companies use annuity products as the vehicles to manage and maintain these important funds. Annuities are safe, risk free and are guaranteed. Annuities also provide for contractual features to customize options for almost any situation.
Risk may be a four letter word but insuring the risk is an easy and intelligent choice. 

By Rob Wiegland, Staff Writer

Monday, August 31, 2015

Annuities Critical in Retirement Planning

Retirement income estimates vary considerably, but one thing is clear across the board:  it’s essential for every individual to have a solid retirement strategy that includes enough savings and/or a steady stream of cash to guard against outliving assets. One rule of thumb is that an individual will need 70 percent of pre-retirement yearly salary to live comfortably, but those who are looking to travel or improve their lifestyle will likely need more, according to CNN Money. Read more...

Monday, August 24, 2015

Market News from MSN Money

Don’t be surprised if stock markets stabilize or bounce back in the next couple of days. Markets are due at least a short-term rally after last week’s dramatic plunge. This usually happens after a sell-off, no matter what the next big move is going to be. It doesn’t mean anything.  Read more...

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Common Retirement Planning Mistakes by Jean Chatzky

Common pre-retirement mistakes:
NBC News Financial Analyst Jean Chatzky outlines the various missteps that can occur on the road to retirement:

Monday, August 10, 2015

Best Places to Retire on $75 a Day!

Relocating to one of these places could help you to get by on a combination of Social Security and a small amount of savings, or allow you to retire younger or maintain a better lifestyle than you could in a more expensive city.  Read more...

Friday, August 7, 2015

Market Fears and Retirement Planning-One Category is Not Affected

The financial crisis has affected most Americans It has caused many people to reconsider timelines for retirement and other lifetime funding topics. If your 401 (k) or other retirement investments have been reduced in value what options do you have?  Read more...

Friday, July 31, 2015

Retiring Happily Abroad

Retiring Happily Abroad: 21 Best Places
When some people think of retirement, they think of long trips to far away places.  What if you could spend retirement living in one of these places instead of visiting one?  Read more...

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Survey Results About Retirement Readiness for Baby Boomers by Forbes

Over the last couple months, more than 1,300 Baby Boomers have taken our Retirement Priorities Quiz and the results show a startling discrepancy between the groups level of financial and personal preparedness for retirement.  Read more...

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Retirement Seen Through Your Eyes

How do you picture your future? If you are like many baby boomers, your view of retirement is likely pragmatic compared to that of your parents. That doesn’t mean you have to have a “plain vanilla” tomorrow. Even if your retirement savings are not as great as you would prefer, you still have great potential to design the life you want.
With that in mind, here are some things to think more

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Fixed Indexed Annuities

     Fixed indexed annuities can be very useful investments. As the name implies, FIAs are fixed annuities with a rate of return linked to the performance of a stock market index (often the S&P 500). Because of this stock market exposure, they can sometimes bring conservative investors very nice returns – often, considerably better returns than the ones provided by CDs, bonds, or money market accounts. Read more...

Monday, April 6, 2015

The US Savings Bond Tax Trap...

Did you buy U.S. Savings Bonds decades ago? Or did your parents or grandparents purchase some for you? If so, take a look at them before April 15 rolls around. Your bonds may have matured. That means they are no longer earning interest, and it also means you need to cash them in.1

Read full article here:

Monday, March 23, 2015

How Annuities Can Lend Safety and Stability to Your Retirement Plan

Annuities are designed to be a reliable means of securing a steady cash flow for an individual during their retirement years and to alleviate fears of longevity risk, or outliving your assets....Check out this article below for more information:

Are you planning to retire? Here are a few common mistakes to steer clear of, if possible, while preparing for retirement:

Overlooking Health Care Costs Health care  costs  are projected to continue their current annual increase in rate of more than double ...

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