Friday, December 30, 2016

Avoid Identity Theft- Learn How to Recognize Phishing Scams

A good general rule: Don’t give out personal information based on an unsolicited email request. 

It’s called “phishing” because thieves attempt to lure you into the scam mainly through impersonations. The scam may claim to be from a friend, a company with whom you do business, a prize award – anything to get you to open the email or text.
Here are a few basic tips to recognize and avoid a phishing email:  read more

Monday, December 12, 2016

Want To Save More For Retirement? Make A Plan.

We all want to have enough money to enjoy our retirement, but the majority of Americans are falling short when it comes to achieving their goals, and they know it. 

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

How can we profit in an up market, a flat market or a down market?

The million dollar question: How can we profit in an up market, a flat market or a down market? 

The golden years of retirement are supposed to be our time to do the things we always wanted to do. How can we be assured of retirement income for life in our questionable economy? 

In 2013, Allianz Life questioned people between the ages of 55 and 65 for their Transition Boomers and Retirement Income survey, and 87 percent reported being more attracted to a financial product with a 4 percent return that is guaranteed not to lose value over one with an 8 percent return but the possibility of losing value due to downturns. Unfortunately, overall knowledge of one product that helps people achieve these guarantees - annuities - remains low, with 75 percent of respondents reporting a lack of understanding about them. 

Are you a member of that 75 percent? If so, be aware that you don't have to choose between an annuity or a risky investment on Wall Street. Certain annuities can provide balance, stability and safety, the foundation of a solid wealth accumulation plan. Fixed index annuities are not the costly, risky variable annuities that Jane Bryant Quinn labeled as one faulty investment in Newsweek, but rather the guaranteed, safe annuities that provide more income and more growth with less tax. 

Find out more about the various types of Annuities and important features like Guaranteed Lifetime Income Riders, calculate tax advantages of annuities, and access annuities articles as well as the Best Annuities Rates Report in this Annuities Overview.

Monday, October 24, 2016

6 Social Security changes for 2017

New changes with Social Security in 2017: 

Social Security beneficiaries will receive a slight increase in their Social Security checks in 2017.  There have also been several recent tweaks to the program that change how married couples can collect benefits....Read more...


Monday, September 5, 2016

Why is the market high?

I hope everyone is having a great Labor Day!   Here is the link to the radio show this week:  Why is the market high?

Monday, August 29, 2016

Radio Show this week, Topic: "Back to Basics"

The Maisch Group launched a new Radio Show! You can tune in every Sunday at 7:30am on WDEL 101.7 FM and also Mondays on WFAI 1510 AM at 12:00 noon. Topic this week..."Back to Basics" Here's an audio link to yesterday's show:

Radio Show this week, Topic: "Back to Basics"

The Maisch Group launched a new Radio Show! You can tune in weekly every Sunday at 7:30am on WDEL 101.7 FM and also Mondays on WFAI 1510 AM at 12:00 noon. Topic this week..."Back to Basics" Here's an audio link to yesterday's show:

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Invisible Fees in Mutual Funds

Transparency in the financial world has traditionally been lacking. As information sources have increased, along with it has come more chances to look behind the curtain. 

The mutual fund industry in America is huge, most all Americans have or currently do use these products for accumulating funds for retirement and many other uses.
Mutual funds are a collection of assets ranging from stocks, bonds, real estate (REITS) and other asset classes. To make the funds operate, fees and expenses must be charged or assessed. When a mutual fund is purchased, a prospectus of the fund (disclosure) and its goals are always included in sales process. In the prospectus is a full disclosure of fees and expenses, however many who buy mutual funds rarely understand all of them.  

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Watch out for 401k fees...

Have you checked the fees on your 401k?  Did you know you have other options?  Watch this video:

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Be patient, be determined, be persistent...

Be patient, be determined, be persistent...
It will require hard work.
There will be doubters.
But, when you reach your dream, 
it's well worth it.

Kevin Harrington, Shark Tank

Andrew Maisch with business Financial Coach, Scott Keffer, and business entrepreneur/original "Shark" on Shark Tank, Kevin Harrington

Monday, July 25, 2016

Thinking about retiring to a beach town...

Buying a home in a beach town is an expensive proposition, but in some spots there are bargains to be found.
Real estate research firm RealtyTrac identified beach towns with fewer than 50,000 residents that had a high quality of life and then investigated which of those were home to the best bargains. The study, released this month, measured the median price of homes in towns relative to prices in other beach towns, as well as the home prices that weren’t too close to their housing-bubble peaks. For quality of life, it looked at good weather and air quality, and a low density of registered criminal offenders.   Read more

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Verifying Social Security Records to Maximize Your Benefits

Verifying Social Security Records to Maximize Your Benefits

If you are relying on social security as a portion of your retirement income, you’ll want to make sure your income is calculated correctly.

Verifying your personal and earnings information through your Social Security Statement every year is an important step in protecting the calculation of your future earnings. Changes to Social Security benefits including how they are claimed was changed by congress in the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2015, increasing the importance that marriage and year of birth details are verified.  Read more...

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Fixed Indexed Annuities-Is one right for you?

Not sure about what an annuity can do for you and your retirement...Watch this video to see if one is right for you.  Check it out:

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Don’t Miss These Important Tax Deductions

If you are retired or nearing retirement, these deductions can make a huge difference in how much money you will have available to you. 

Taking advantage of legal and available deductions is smart retirement planning. Because taxes can be very complicated, it’s a good idea to seek out the help of licensed professionals before making any final decisions. The tips listed below are intended only for information on the options that are available.  Read more

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Forbes: 25 Best Places to Retire

Retirement is a new phase of life, and, for many, a chance to consider new surroundings. Here is our new list of 25 top U.S. cities for retirement. Data we sifted included housing and living costs, taxes, weather and air quality, crime rates, doctor availability, and active-lifestyle rankings for walk-ability, bicycling and volunteering. We also looked at economic data with an eye toward a “working” retirement. A fuller explanation of these factors can be found here. Cities are listed in alphabetical order.  Read more...

Monday, May 16, 2016

Watch out for invisible fees in Mutual Funds

Invisible Fees In Mutual Funds

The cost to acquire a mutual fund (load) and the cost to run that fund (expense ratio) are easily understood by most mutual fund owners. What is rarely understood is how the mutual fund buys and sells the assets in the fund. These costs are known as invisible fees. Find out more in this article, and view a video on Mutual Fund Fees.

Monday, May 2, 2016

The Value of Double Checking Your Retirement Strategy

     Many baby boomers are approaching retirement with portfolios heavily weighted in equities. When your retirement is near at hand, you might want to consider the length of this bull market and the possibility of irrational exuberance. Growing your savings while minimizing risk of loss should become a top priority.  Read more by clicking link below....

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Invisible fees in mutual funds

     The cost to acquire a mutual fund (load) and the cost to run that fund (expense ratio) are easily understood by most mutual fund owners. What is rarely understood is how the mutual fund buys and sells the assets in the fund. These costs are known as invisible fees. Find out more in this article, and view a video on Mutual Fund Fees.

Saturday, April 2, 2016

The 15 tax-friendliest states for retirees


Retirees have special concerns when evaluating state tax policies: Are Social Security benefits taxed? Does the state impose its own estate tax? Are there property tax breaks for seniors? The answers can greatly affect the financial well-being of someone living on a fixed income.
These 15 states impose the lowest taxes on retirees, according to Kiplinger's 2015 analysis of state taxes. All but one of them exempt Social Security benefits entirely from state taxes. Most exempt at least a portion of other retirement income, such as pensions and withdrawals from tax-deferred retirement plans. Read more...

Monday, February 22, 2016

Redefining the American Dream

Over the past 25 years the new worth of U.S. households headed by an individual 34 years old or under was dropped 31% (Pew Research Center). It's hard to imagine that with such a drastic reduction in net worth that the American Dream is still attainable. Even with this change in overall economic fundamentals, prosperity and success, the two main tenets of the generalized dream, are still attainable as long as you change your way of thinking and adapt to the financial realities presented by the current financial world rather than clinging to methods used by generations gone by.  Read more...

Monday, February 1, 2016

Are you planning to retire? Here are a few common mistakes to steer clear of, if possible, while preparing for retirement:

Overlooking Health Care Costs Health care  costs  are projected to continue their current annual increase in rate of more than double ...

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