Monday, May 16, 2016

Watch out for invisible fees in Mutual Funds

Invisible Fees In Mutual Funds

The cost to acquire a mutual fund (load) and the cost to run that fund (expense ratio) are easily understood by most mutual fund owners. What is rarely understood is how the mutual fund buys and sells the assets in the fund. These costs are known as invisible fees. Find out more in this article, and view a video on Mutual Fund Fees.

Monday, May 2, 2016

The Value of Double Checking Your Retirement Strategy

     Many baby boomers are approaching retirement with portfolios heavily weighted in equities. When your retirement is near at hand, you might want to consider the length of this bull market and the possibility of irrational exuberance. Growing your savings while minimizing risk of loss should become a top priority.  Read more by clicking link below....

Are you planning to retire? Here are a few common mistakes to steer clear of, if possible, while preparing for retirement:

Overlooking Health Care Costs Health care  costs  are projected to continue their current annual increase in rate of more than double ...

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