Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Fees, fees, fees...?

When I sit down with clients to help them create a safe, worry free retirement, I find they are surprised at the fees they are paying on their 401K.  To assist you with your planning, here's a quick video reference that should help.

Monday, August 14, 2017

New book, Retire Abundantly, coming soon!

Retirement money mistakes and costly missteps outlined in the new book, Retire Abundantly, co-authored by Andrew Maisch.

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

AARP: 6 Tips for Staying Active in Retirement

You're ready to retire, now what do you do?  First, you are looking forward to some rest and relaxation.  Next, you have several things on your "to do" list.  Then.....what do you do next?  Here's an article from AARP that offers a few ideas.
Source:  http://nws.mx/2vKKr7J

Thursday, August 3, 2017

How can you GROW and PROTECT your income without market risk?

One of the most commonly asked questions from my clients is, "How can I grow my income without market risk?"  I've met with many retired individuals that are worried their retirement savings is going to run out or they'll lose money they can't recoup through market changes.  The video below offers ways to protect your money for the rest of your life.  So, don't worry, you can rest comfortably each night knowing your money won't run out with these great options!

Are you planning to retire? Here are a few common mistakes to steer clear of, if possible, while preparing for retirement:

Overlooking Health Care Costs Health care  costs  are projected to continue their current annual increase in rate of more than double ...

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