Friday, December 29, 2017

Don't make these common retirement mistakes...

New Year...Review Your Retirement Plan

It's that time of year when we reflect on the past and set goals for the future.  It is a good time to review your retirement plan.  Many of my clients think they are set because they have a work 401K.  However, as stated in a recent study cited by Forbes
  “Almost 20 percent incorrectly think they are prepared, in large part because they do not recognize that their 401(k) savings are inadequate to last for their whole retirement period.” 60% do know if they are on track or not, and the other 20% think they are not prepared when in fact they could afford to maintain the same standard of living they have now.

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Are you planning to retire? Here are a few common mistakes to steer clear of, if possible, while preparing for retirement:

Overlooking Health Care Costs Health care  costs  are projected to continue their current annual increase in rate of more than double ...

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